Research project: “Modern Threats to Security and New Responses: Cooperation, Responsibility and Human Rights Protection”

The research activity intends to analyse, from a legal point of view, some issues that the European Union has identified as priorities for its actions in the short and long term (see, in particular, European Agenda on Security, adopted by the European Commission in the first semester of 2015) and that, contextually, pose challenges also for other international actors, in particular the United Nations.


The research activity will mainly focus on two thematic areas:


1. New threats and new responses in the field of international terrorism;

2. Risks and benefits deriving from the use of new technologies.


Within each thematic area, particular attention is devoted to the study and analysis of some specific issues, selected on the ground of their complexity, from a legal point of view, and urgent character.


From a content-related point of view, the unity and consistency of the project are ensured by the focus on three specific perspectives: cooperation, responsibility and human rights protection. At the same time, from a methodological point of view, unity and consistency are ensured by means of a constant dialogue between groups of young scholars, created ad hoc, and experts in the relevant fields.


International law and European Union law are the main legal frameworks. However, research activities adopting a comparative analysis between two or more legal orders or domestic case studies are also welcomed any time they act as starting point for more general considerations. In this respect, the research project can benefit from the inputs of young scholars working in different areas of law. Moreover, the research project can also benefit from the inputs of experts in the areas of sociology and policy.


Researchers in charge of the project and the research activity: Nicole Lazzerini (University of Florence) and Elena Carpanelli (CSEIA).